Recruitment of Agribusiness Development Officer–SL Regional Rice Value Chain Development Project (SL-RRVCP)

Sector: Agriculture

  Position Advertised

  • Duty Station: Torma Bum

The Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Agriculture &Food Security (MAFS) has obtained a Financing from the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) as partial funding for the implementation of the Regional Rice Value Chain Development Project (RRVCDP) under the National Agric. Transformation 2023 programme. Parts of these funds are going towards supporting a Program Management Team to be located in Torma Bum, Bonthe District. The Ministry of Agriculture & Food Security now invites applications from suitable and qualified Sierra Leonean candidates to fill the following vacant position:

 Women are particularly encouraged to apply

Deadline for all submissions is COB  Friday 29th September 2023 2023 at 1700 hours

Recruitment of Financial Management Adviser – National development Partner Programme Coordination Unit (NDPPCO), MAFS

Sector: Agriculture

  Position Advertised

  1. Financial Management Adviser.

  • Issue Date: 1st Novermber 2022

The National Development Partner Program Coordinating Office (NDPPCO) was established to provide strategic oversight and coordination of all project activities funded by the Development Partner within the Ministry of Agriculture. The initial overarching strategy of the NDPPCO is to provide a comprehensive continuum of interventions that would increase harmonization and alignment of all project activities to  MAF’s Strategic priorities. This includes developing project management guidelines and policies, strengthening the Financial Management arrangements with projects, supporting in the formulation and design of new Projects, Improve knowledge management within and amongst project and MAF, Overseeing project support missions, and monitoring the overall activities of the projects towards meeting their development objectives.

 Women are particularly encouraged to apply

Deadline for all submissions is COB  21st April 2023 at 1700 hours

Recruitment For the Position Gender and Gender-Based Violence Specialist for the West Africa Food System Resilience Programme (FSRP), Sierra Leone Chapter -Phase 2 (P178132)

Sector: Agriculture

Position Advertised:

  • Firms can submit their expression of interest based on the instructions given in  the terms of reference. Please click on the download button for the ToR.

Issue Date: 1st November 2022

The West Africa Food System Resilience Program (FSRP) is a five year, regional, 60 million USD World Bank-funded project with the goal of increasing preparedness against food insecurity and improving the resilience of food systems in Sierra Leone and West Africa as a whole. This project is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the World Bank Group (WBG) Country partnership Framework for Sierra Leone, the National Agriculture Transformation Programme (NAT) 2023 and Mid-Term National Development Plan for Sierra Leone.

 Women are particularly encouraged to apply

Deadline for all submissions is COB 18th November 2022 at 1700 hours

Recruitment of PMU Staff Second Batch - The West Africa Food System Resilience Program (FSRP) ​

Sector: Agriculture

Position Advertised:

  • 1  Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist

    2.   Financial Accountant

    3.   Environmental Safeguard Specialist

    4.   Social Safeguard Specialist

    5.   Technical Officer (Irrigation/land Scape/watershed management)

    6.   Agribusiness Specialist

    7.   Internal Auditor

    8.   Gender and Social Inclusion/GBV Specialist

  • Issue Date: 1st Novermber 2022

The Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) is implementing the West Africa Food System Resilience Program (FSRP) which is a five year, regional, 60 million USD World Bank-funded project with the goal of increasing preparedness against food insecurity and improving the resilience of food systems in Sierra Leone and West Africa as a whole. This project is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the World Bank Group (WBG) Country partnership Framework for Sierra Leone, the National Agriculture Transformation Programme (NAT) 2023 and Mid-Term National Development Plan for Sierra Leone.

 Women are particularly encouraged to apply

Deadline for all submissions is COB 18th November 2022 at 1700 hours

Recruitment For the Position Gender and Gender-Based Violence Specialist for the West Africa Food System Resilience Programme (FSRP), Sierra Leone Chapter -Phase 2 (P178132)

Sector: Agriculture

Position Advertised:

  • Firms can submit their expression of interest based on the instructions given in  the terms of reference. Please click on the download button for the ToR.

Issue Date: 1st November 2022

The West Africa Food System Resilience Program (FSRP) is a five year, regional, 60 million USD World Bank-funded project with the goal of increasing preparedness against food insecurity and improving the resilience of food systems in Sierra Leone and West Africa as a whole. This project is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the World Bank Group (WBG) Country partnership Framework for Sierra Leone, the National Agriculture Transformation Programme (NAT) 2023 and Mid-Term National Development Plan for Sierra Leone.

 Women are particularly encouraged to apply

Deadline for all submissions is COB 18th November 2022 at 1700 hours


Sector: Agriculture

Position Advertised:

  • Firms can submit their expression of interest based on the instructions given in  the terms of reference. Please click on the download button for the ToR.

Issue Date: 13th September 2022

The Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone has received financing from the African Development Bank (AfDF) in the form of grant towards the cost of Rice Agro Industrial Cluster (SL RAIC) Project and intends to apply part of the agreed amount towards payment under a consultancy service contract for Design and Supervision of Irrigation Schemes for 5,000 ha of Arable Land in Bonthe and Pujehun Districts.

 Women are particularly encouraged to apply

Deadline for all submissions is COB 18th November 2022 at 1700 hours


Sector: Agriculture

Position Advertised:

  • Firms can submit their expression of interest based on the instructions given in  the terms of reference. Please click on the download button for the ToR.

Issue Date: 13th September 2022

The Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone has received financing from the African Development Bank (AfDF) in the form of grant towards the cost of Rice Agro Industrial Cluster (SL RAIC) Project and intends to apply part of the agreed amount towards payment under a consultancy service contract for Design and Supervision of Irrigation Schemes for 5,000 ha of Arable Land in Bonthe and Pujehun Districts.

 Women are particularly encouraged to apply

Deadline for all submissions is COB 28th September 2022 at 1700 hours

Recruitment For the Three Core Staff Positions for The West Africa Food System Resilience Programme (FSRP), Sierra Leone Chapter

Sector: Agriculture

Position Advertised:

  • Project Manager
  • Financial Management
  • Procurement Specialist

Issue Date: 5th September 2022

The West Africa Food System Resilience Program (FSRP) is a five year, regional, 60 million USD World Bank-funded project with the goal of increasing preparedness against food insecurity and improving the resilience of food systems in Sierra Leone and West Africa as a whole. This project is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the World Bank Group (WBG) Country partnership Framework for Sierra Leone and Mid-Term National Development Plan for Sierra Leone.

 Women are particularly encouraged to apply

Deadline for all submissions is COB 23rd September 2022 at 1700 hours

EOI for Rice Agro Industrial Cluster (SL RAIC) Project

Sector: Agriculture

Position Advertised:

Key Experts

  • Agro – Processin Specialist
  • Rural Infrastructure Engineer
  • Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialist.
  • Gender and Youth Expert
  • Agribusiness Development Officer

Issue Date: 24th August 2022

The Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) has received a Grant Financing of UA 21.17 million from the African Development Bank as partial funding towards the cost of Rice Agro Industrial Cluster Development Project in support of National Agriculture Transformation 2023 programme. Part of this fund is going towards supporting a Program Management Team to be in based Torma Bum, Bonthe District.

 Women are particularly encouraged to apply

Deadline for all submissions is COB 9th September 2022 at 1700 hours

For the review of the National Rural Feeder Roads Policy in Sierra Leone

Sector: Agriculture

Position Advertised:

Key Experts

  1. Rural Road Specialist
  2. Civil Engineer

Non Key Experts

  1. Environmental specialist
  2. Legal Expert
  3. Transport/Traffic Engineer
  4. Financial Expert

Issue Date:  Tuesday 12th April 2022

The Government of Sierra Leone has received financing from the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank Group towards the cost the Smallholder Commercialization and    Agribusiness Development Project (SCADeP) and intends to apply part of it for the consultancy services for the Review and update of the National Rural Feeder Roads Policy (May 2011).

The Feeder Roads Prioritization Framework, a report compiled on behalf of the SLRA gives the following information: Sierra Leone is among the poorest countries in the world. GDP per capita is about US$500.  The poverty headcount declined from 66.4 percent in 2003 to 52.9 percent in 2011.  Still, about half of the total population lives under the national poverty line. Especially in rural areas where the clear majority of people engage in subsistence farming, poverty remained persistently high at 66.1 percent in 2011, though declined from 78.7 percent in 2003. Inequality seems to have been widened between urban and rural areas: The urban poverty declined from 46.9 percent in 2003 to 31.2 percent in 2011.

 Women are particularly encouraged to apply

Deadline for all submissions is COB Friday 26th April 2022


Sector: Agriculture

Assignment Title: The Review of the National Rural feeder Roads Policy in Sierra Leone

Issue Date:  Tuesday 12th April , 2022

The Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone has received a loan from the World Bank toward the cost of the Smallholder Commercialization and Agribusiness Development Project (SCADeP)  and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services to Review the National Rural Feeder Roads Policy in Sierra Leone

 Women are particularly encouraged to apply

Deadline for all submissions is COB Friday 26th April 2022

For the review of the National Rural Feeder Roads Policy in Sierra Leone

Sector: Agriculture

Position Advertised:

Key Experts

  1. Rural Road Specialist
  2. Civil Engineer

Non Key Experts

  1. Environmental specialist
  2. Legal Expert
  3. Transport/Traffic Engineer
  4. Financial Expert

Issue Date:  Tuesday 12th April 2022

National Fertilizer Regulatory Agency (NaFRA)

Sector: Agriculture

Position Advertised:

  1. Executive Director (1)
  2. Administrative Officer (1)
  3. Finance Officer (1)
  4. Procurement and Logistics Officer (1)
  5. ICT Officer (6)
  6. Laboratory Technician (3)
  7. Executive Secretary (1)
  8. Office Assistant (2)
  9. Office Cleaner (4)
  10. Driver (2)
  11. Security Guard (2)

Issue Date:  Tuesday 22nd February 2022

The need for quality assurance in fertilizer marketing and use is a concern for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) in its drive to increase crop yields and attain food self-sufficiency. Fertilizer dealers import and sell fertilizers without being checked by the government to ensure that they are appropriate and meet minimum standards to support crop growth and environmental sustainability. Issues of nutrient deficiencies, adulteration, short weight and misleading claims and utilization are not being addressed thus resulting to little or no response to crop growth as well as production and productivity.

The National Fertilizer Regulatory Agency (NaFRA) was established by an Act of Parliament in November 2017. The Act provide for the establishment of a National Fertilizer Regulatory Agency to provide for the regulation and management of commercial importation, manufacture and distribution of fertilizers in Sierra Leone and for other related matters. The National Fertilizer Regulatory Act, 2017 was developed in accordance with Regulation C/REG.13/12/12 relating to fertilizer quality control in the ECOWAS Region. The ECOWAS Fertilizer Regulation was gazetted on June 20, 2017 as part of Sierra Leone’s commitment to the ECOWAS while the National Fertilizer Regulatory Agency Act, 2017 was published in the Sierra Leone Gazette Vol. CXL1X, No. 40 dated 5th April 2018. National Fertilizer Regulations, 2020 was enacted in parliament in March 2020 for the implementation and enforcement of the NaFRA Act.

 Women are particularly encouraged to apply

The deadline for all submissions is COB Friday 4th March 2022

Recruitment of Project Manager - Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (AVDP)

Sector: Agriculture

Project ID: 2000002586,2000002587,

Position Advertised:
1. Grants Manager

Issue Date:  Tuesday 24th February, 2022

The Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) has received a Loan & Grant Financing of US$97,359,972.00 from IFAD, the Adaption Fund, OFID, the private sector, the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) and beneficiaries for the implementation of the Agriculture Value Chain Development. The implementation of the project started in 2019 and is completing the 3rd year of field implementation this year (2022). The Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (AVDP) is implemented over a six-year period with the overall goal of improving livelihoods, food security and climate resilience of rural farming households. The overall project goal is to improve livelihoods, food security, and climate change resilience of rural farming households in Sierra Leone. The project’s development objective is to increase incomes for smallholder farmers through the promotion of agriculture as a business. The project is targeting an estimated 34,000 direct beneficiaries and their families, thereby reaching a total of 204,000 people. The project is implemented over a six-year period. IFAD is supervising the project while the Ministry of Agriculture is the executing agency.

AVDP is organized into three mutually reinforcing components: (a) Climate Resilient and Smart Agricultural Production, whose expected outcome is volume and value of produce increased, and is divided into three subcomponents: (i) support to smallholder (family farm) rice production and productivity, (ii) support to tree crops production and productivity, (iii) support the vegetable chain; (b) Agricultural Market Development, whose expected outcome is value chain organization and performance improved, and consists of two subcomponents: (i) market access; (ii) climate resilient rural infrastructure and information systems; and (c) Project Coordination and Management, whose expected outcome is an efficiently and effectively managed project. The component is divided into two subcomponents: (i) project coordination and management; and (ii) financing mechanisms for target groups.

 Women are particularly encouraged to apply

Deadline for all submissions is COB Friday 25th March 2022

Project Coordinating Unit (PCU) of the Smallholder Commercialization and Agribusiness Development Project (SCADeP) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Sector: Agriculture

Position Advertised:
1. Grants Manager

Issue Date:  Friday 14th January, 2022

The Government of Sierra Leone, through the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) and the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) received funding for the implementation of the Smallholder Commercialization and Agribusiness Development Project (SCADeP), with an original estimated US$ 40 million financing and an additional financing of US$30 million from the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank Group. The Government intends to use part of the project financing to recruit a Grant Manager for the Project Coordination Unit of the Project.

The Project Development Objective is “To promote smallholder commercialization by fostering productive business linkages between smallholder farmers and selected agribusiness firms and other commodity off-takers in Sierra Leone”, and has five Components:

 Women are particularly encouraged to apply

Deadline for all submissions is COB Friday 28th January 2022

Recruitment of PMU Staff - Rice Agro-Industrial Cluster Project (RAIC) for Torma Bum

Sector: Agriculture

Position Advertised:
1. Project Manager

2. Project Accountant

3. Procurement Expert

4. M&E Officer

Issue Date: December 2021

The Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry (MAF) has obtained a Grant Financing from the African Development Bank (AfDB) as partial funding for the implementation of the Rice Agro-Industrial Cluster Project (RAIC) under the National Agric. Transformation 2023 programme. Part of these funds are going towards supporting a Program Management Team to be located in Torma Bum, Bonthe District.

The goal of the Rice Agro-Industrial Cluster Project (RAIC) is to contribute to rice self-sufficiency in Sierra Leone and improve the livelihoods of rural households. The specific objectives are to: (i) increase the productivity and production of rice by providing farmers access to quality inputs, land and water management, mechanization and extension services; (ii) improve the value chain through the processing of high-quality rice; (iii) promoting the consumption and marketing of locally processed rice. RAIC will consist of four components: (i) Agricultural Production Systems: (ii) Green Agro-processing Cluster Development: (iii) Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening and (iv) Project Management:

 Women are particularly encouraged to apply

Deadline for all submissions is COB Friday 28th January 2022

Recruitment of PMU Staff - Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (AVDP)

Sector: Agriculture

Position Advertised:
1. Financial Manager

2. Head M&E/Knowledge Management

3. Financial Accountant (2)

4. Procurement Officer

Issue Date: December 2021

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is implementing the agriculture value Chain Development Project. The Project is in its third year of implementation and will be implemented over six years with the overall goal of improving livelihoods, food security and climate resilience of rural farming households. The project’s development objective is to increase incomes for smallholder farmers through the promotion of agriculture as a business. The project is financed by IFAD, the Adaption Fund, the private sector, the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) and beneficiaries. IFAD is supervising the project.

The project is working in all the country’s 16 districts, primarily with Farmers Organizations, Service Providers, and SMEs in the rice, vegetables, cocoa and oil palm value chains though crop diversification to enhance nutrition and create alternative income streams will figure prominently in project activities. The ADVP is adopting a value chain approach, intervening either directly or through partners in all links in the value chain from seed supply through processing and marketing. The project has been structured to maximize synergies with two World Bank funded projects, one AfDB and one IsDB that are intervening in the same value chains.

For the implementation of this project MAF is recruiting some staff of the Project Management Unit whose positions have been declared vacant. Below is the technical requirement for these staff.

 Women are particularly encouraged to apply

Deadline for all submissions is COB 30th December 2021

Recruitment of PMU Staff - Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (AVDP)

Sector: Agriculture

Position Advertised:
1.Financial Controller

2. Head M&E/Knowledge Management

3. Financial Accountant

4. Procurement Officer

Issue Date: October 2021

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is implementing the agriculture value Chain Development Project. The Project is in its third year of implementation and will be implemented over six years with the overall goal of improving livelihoods, food security and climate resilience of rural farming households. The project’s development objective is to increase incomes for smallholder farmers through the promotion of agriculture as a business. The project is financed by IFAD, the Adaption Fund, the private sector, the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) and beneficiaries. IFAD is supervising the project.

The project is working in all the country’s 16 districts, primarily with Farmers Organizations, Service Providers, and SMEs in the rice, vegetables, cocoa and oil palm value chains though crop diversification to enhance nutrition and create alternative income streams will figure prominently in project activities. The ADVP is adopting a value chain approach, intervening either directly or through partners in all links in the value chain from seed supply through processing and marketing. The project has been structured to maximize synergies with two World Bank funded projects, one AfDB and one IsDB that are intervening in the same value chains.

For the implementation of this project MAF is recruiting some staff of the Project Management Unit whose positions have been declared vacant. Below is the technical requirement for these staff.

 Women are particularly encouraged to apply

Deadline for all submissions is COB 12th November 2021

Recruitment of Project Management Team Staff (Project Manager and Procurement Specialist) Sierra Leone Agribusiness and Rice Value Chain Support Project (SLARiS)

Sector: Agriculture

Position Advertised:
1. Project Manager

2. Procurement Specialist

Issue Date: 2021

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry with funding from AfDB is implementing the Sierra Leone Agribusiness and Rice Value Chain Support Project (SLARiS). The overall goal of the project is to stimulate a viable upstream agribusiness sector in Sierra Leone in order to promote economic diversification, food security, sustainable employment opportunities and improved livelihoods.  The specific project objective is to transform the agricultural input supply sub-sector as a viable and inclusive business opportunity, in order to promote enhanced production and productivity required to improve the livelihoods of beneficiaries along priority value chains (rice and maize).

This objective would be achieved through: a) support and promotion of reliable access to quality input markets (seeds, fertilizers and pesticides) through liberalisation, adequate regulation and certification of the sub-sector sector which in turn is expected to facilitate the entry of new actors and expansion of business opportunities by the existing players; b) creation of an enabling environment for private sector led agribusiness growth upstream in the value chain through support to the emergence and growth of private seed producers and agri-input (seeds, fertilizers and pesticides) agro-dealers;  c) empowering young men and women to engage in the agriculture sector; d) supporting growth in farmer efficiency, productivity and income through providing improved technologies, climate-smart farming techniques, innovations and good agricultural practices; and e) increasing reliable output market through strengthening outgrower farming models.

The project consists of the following components: (1) Support to Enhancement of Agricultural Input Production & Distribution Systems; (2) Support to Agribusiness Development; and (3) Project Management and Institutional Capacity Development.

The SLARiS project which will be executed in the identified high potential agro-ecological zones in the country (specifically Kambia, Kenema and Moyamba) will be implemented over a period of five (5) years (2019 – 2024).

Deadline for all submissions is COB Friday 20th April, 2021. 

Recruitment of Project Management Staff - Sierra Leone Regional Rice Value Chain Development Project funded by IsDB.

Sector: Agriculture

Position Advertised:
1. Irrigation Engineer

2. Agriculture Extension Officer

3. Gender and Youth Officer

4. Agribusiness Development Officer

Issue Date: 3rd September, 2020

Sector: Agriculture

Position Re-Advertised: 1. Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator

2. Data Analyst

Issue Date: 3rd February, 2020

The International Fund for Agric. Development (IFAD) through the AVDP is supporting the MAF to set up the Agric Delivery Team (ACT) for the implementation of the National Agric Transformation Programme 2023. The Agricultural Coordination and Transformation (ACT) team is to enhance delivery systems and structures within the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The mandate of the ACT team, as a delivery unit, is to facilitate, coordinate and report on the implementation of the National Agriculture Transformation Programme (NAT 2023).

Closing Date: All applications must be in by 12:00 mid-day Sierra Leone time on Thursday 18/02/2020.

Other Vacancies



The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is implementing the Regional Rice Value Chain Program (RRVCP) funded by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). This project is part of a Regional Rice Value Chain Program (RRVCP) for which there are 10 beneficiary countries. The five year program was announced by the President of IsDB at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors at Tunis in April 2018. The first set of five countries to benefit from this regional rice development project include The Gambia, Guinea, Niger, Senegal and Sierra Leone.
The overall goal of the program is to contribute to the countries ambitions of becoming self-sufficient in rice given that most are currently importing significant amounts and at high costs. The National Rice Self Sufficiency Plan of the GOSL aims at reversing this situation by 2029.
Achieving this goal requires supporting smallholder farmers that dominate the rice production systems in the target countries. It is within this context that this specific Sierra Leone country project aims at improving the production and commercialization of the smallholder rice sector in the country. This is critical to the national self-sufficiency and import substitution goal of the country. Value chain approach is the main delivery mechanism of the regional program and its specific country projects.

Date of Issue: 28th November, 2019.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has received fund from the Government of Sierra Leone towards the implementation of the SIERRA LEONE SEED CERTIFICATION AGENCY (SLeSCA) Act. SLeSCA is the National Seed Quality Control and Certification Agency of Sierra Leone. It is a Government Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) that spearheads the development of the seed industry including the implementation of the Seed Act. SLeSCA is charged to facilitate the release and registration of superior crop varieties; certification and quality assurance of crop seeds and facilitation of seed import and export as contained in the Seed Act, 2018 and Seed Regulations, 2019.

Closing Date: All applications must be in by 12:00 mid-day Sierra Leone time on Thursday 28/09/2020. 

Sector: Agriculture

Date of Issue: 4th November, 2019

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has received fund from the Government of Sierra Leone towards the implementation of the NATIONAL FERTILIZER REGULATORY AGENCY (NaFRA). Fertilizer is considered as a critical input in addressing low productivity associated with soil infertility and soil nutrient deficiencies, there has not been any regulation on fertilizer quality control in the country. This undermines government’s effort to achieve food security and reduce the hunger gap. The need for quality assurance in fertilizer marketing and use is a concern for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) in its drive to increase crop yields. Fertilizer dealers import and sell fertilizers without being checked by the government to ensure that they are appropriate and meet minimum standards to support crop growth and environmental sustainability. Issues of nutrient deficiencies, adulteration, short weight and misleading claims and utilization are not being addressed thus resulting to little or no response to crop growth as well as production and productivity. It is against this backdrop that the National Fertilizer Policy and Act were developed and ratified by Parliament in February and November 2017 respectively.

Application Procedures.

Expressions of interest accompanied by curriculum vitae and copies of degree(s) and certificates must be delivered to the address below by 9th December, 2019 at 12pm (GMT) Sierra Leone time and mention “Position you are applying for”. Attn: The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 1st Floor, Youyi Building Brookfields, Freetown, Sierra Leone +232-76-601-492 or +232-76-97-97-27 Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Closing Date: Tuesday 9/12/2019

Copyright: ©  Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry